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Using MatchDetails

For every route that is matched on a route change, MatchDetails are injected into the both the Route and the Outlet widget. The MatchDetails object contains specific details for a matched route.

Note: All examples assume that the default HashHistory history manager is being used.


  • queryParams: { [index: string]: string }: The query params from the matched route.


export default [
		id: 'home',
		path: 'home',
		outlet: 'home'
  • given the URL path /#home?foo=bar&baz=42, the queryParams object will look like:
	foo: 'bar',
	baz: '42'


  • params: { [index: string]: string }: The path params from the matched route.


export default [
		id: 'home',
		path: 'home/{page}',
		outlet: 'home'
  • given the URL path /#home/about, the params object will have look like:
	page: 'about';


  • isExact(): boolean: A function that indicates if the route is an exact match for the path. This can be used to conditionally render different widgets or nodes.


export default [
		id: 'home',
		path: 'home',
		outlet: 'home',
		children: [
				id: 'about',
				path: 'about',
				outlet: 'about'
  • given the above route definition, if the URL path is set to /#home/about, then isExact() will evaluate to false for the Route with the id "home" and true for a Route that is a child of the home Route with the id "about" as shown in the following file:


import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import Route from '@dojo/framework/routing/Route';

const factory = create();

export default factory(function App() {
	return (
				renderer={(homeMatchDetails) => {
					console.log('home', homeMatchDetails.isExact()); // home false
					return (
							renderer={(aboutMatchDetails) => {
								console.log('about', aboutMatchDetails.isExact()); // about true
								return [];


  • isError(): boolean: A function indicates if the route is an error match for the path. This indicates after this route was matched, no other matches were found.


export default [
		id: 'home',
		path: 'home',
		outlet: 'home',
		children: [
			id: 'about',
			path: 'about',
			outlet: 'about'
  • given this route definition, if the URL path is set to /#home/foo then there is no exact route match, so the isError() method on the home Route's matchDetails object will yield true. Navigating to /#home or /#home/about however will cause the same method to return false since both routes are defined.


  • type: 'index' | 'partial' | 'error': The type of match for the route, either index, partial or error. Using type should not be necessary, instead favouring a combination of isExact and isError.
export default [
		id: 'home',
		path: 'home',
		outlet: 'home',
		children: [
			id: 'about',
			path: 'about',
			outlet: 'about'
  • given the above route definition, the following values of type would be provided to each route:
URL path Home route About route
/#home 'index' N/A
/#home/about 'partial' 'index'
/#home/foo 'error' N/A


  • router: RouterInterface: The router instance which can used to create links and initiate route changes. For more information see the router API.


export default [
		id: 'home',
		path: 'home',
		outlet: 'home',
		children: [
				id: 'home-details',
				path: 'details',
				outlet: 'home-details'


import { create, tsx } from '@dojo/framework/core/vdom';
import Route from '@dojo/framework/routing/Route';

const factory = create();

export default factory(function App() {
	return (
				renderer={(matchDetails) => {
					const { params, queryParams, isExact, isError, router } = matchDetails;

					const gotoHome = () => {
						const link ='home');
						if (link) {

					if (isExact()) {
						// The path `home` was matched
						return <div>Home Page</div>;
					if (isError()) {
						// The `home` segment of the path was matched but the
						// next segment was not matched for example, `home/other`
						return (
								<button onclick={gotoHome}>Goto Home</button>
								<div>Unknown Page</div>
					// The `home` segment of the path was matched and the next
					// segment was also matched for example, `home/details`
					return <div>Partial Match for Home</div>;